
the new information frontier

i desperately need a hobby, and the writing is not working very well. well not that it doesn't work i just cant seem to find the motivation or perhaps inspiration to write. so if any one has any good hobbies please let me know, I've thought about maybe comic books again but that could get expensive plus its more of a collection than a hobby really, a video game is not really what I'm looking for either i would like something that connects me either to myself or to others more not to a TV screen. I think the main reason is that i want to create something to put something new out into the world that has never been there before, something all my own. So i go back to writing, to that end i am trying to get in to the ease of writing by joining Twitter, i figure that perhaps i can increase my motivation 140 characters at a time. this new service is all over the place and growing at such a rate that i find it absolutely amazing, how such a simple idea, just 140 characters to tell those following you whats happening right then where you are and what your doing. Its grown into so much more, now business is on it, my restaurant Pei Wei is now on Twitter! That is actually why i joined, my boss wanted me to check it out. I find it to be an amazing tool there is a search feature where you can find what is popular, what topics are trending up among all users. This is not just for friends its about information for me. what is the new york times doing, what is the president or CNN up to, whats going on in my city. This is the new frontier that i see, one that deals in information and how we ingest it , and if what we are taking in is even true information, hence the beauty of the link it allows you write something down and back up each sentence you create with a whole wealth of information. in some ways this is the beauty of Twitter for me, i can get links to pictures video and articles from news institutions and people that i trust, i can learn about things that interest me and i don't have to search any more, the information is coming to me on a daily basis, this is the new frontier. how we receive our data. Not only will it connect me in an even stronger way to the information i want, it will also give me an endless amount of topics to write about. A weekly or perhaps daily stream of topics that i can immerse my self in to learn and to write about till the next topic. perhaps in this way i can find the one thing i can expound upon at length and perhaps truly create something of beauty.


  1. i say, take a daily walk if you can. maybe one late at night when it's nice & cool. the new moons will really provide inspiration.
    i love taking walks. :]

  2. I say coming out to LA and hanging out with your friend Stacey on the weekends and going hiking, rollerblading, and stuff would be a good hobby. we could twitter from our phones while we are doing this stuff!
