
10 year reunion

so, i just arrived home after 4 days back in Houston. great time, got to see family and friends and most importantly it was my 10 year high school reunion. i find that i am milestone type of person, things like prom, weddings, reunions, i find that just the idea of something being important makes me more excited about them. to be honest the turn out wasn't all that hot. probably 200 people showed up through out the night out of a graduating class of 600+ and the people i talked to most were those that i keep in touch with any way. Not as much of course that i no longer live in Houston. i did get a few surprises and yes there were those people who i have not seen i about ten years that thanks to the magic of social networking i will now be able to keep in touch with. you know the biggest thing i think i got out of it is that ten years did not seem like a long time for me. i really don't feel all that different. I wonder if perhaps those alumni that are married and have children feel the same way. i wonder if its different for everyone, that undeniable feeling of your adult life actually starting. Still don't feel that way, and the amount that i partied on Friday night can attest to that. That being said maybe Vegas isn't really the place to start an adult life, or perhaps its more of a tangible thing like buying a your first home. oh well, I'm just going to chalk it up to the idea my sole isn't really ready for that yet. I'm sure when it happens though i will know it.


  1. I think being able to show up at an event that is supposed to mark your aging and hence, document your gradual decline towards death with youth in your heart and soul is a milestone. Maybe this obscure idea of "adulthood" you speak of is merely an illusion, or a mirage. The more you walk towards it, the further away it feels. Maybe living in Vegas is like working behind thew scenes at a carnival. The magic dwindles a bit and you start to see through the illusion.

  2. I don't know that any "adult" FEELS like an adult - no matter the circumstances of life or age achieved. It's just a label that's given when you can no longer be considered a kid, or you're legal, or post-college-age...ask anyone more than 20 years older than you - they'll tell you you're still a kid. And when you're 80 you'll tell that to your 60 year old friend - you're just a kid.

    But I know one thing that does make you feel like an adult. Your kid brother celebrating his ten year high school reunion.
