
Good bye Vegas

well Ive been away for about a month now, the glitter is slowly starting to wash off with every shower. Ive been transferred again, i now reside in Salt Lake City. This blog will now be stopped, but a new will rise in its place, the format the same, experiences reviews and the like, just a different city. I can definitely say this though, i am truly enjoying this city. SLC is a real city not the mash up of suburbs and resorts that make up Vegas. i am finally living in a real downtown urban setting and i love it. this past weekend was Halloween and we didn't have to drive once. Brian my new roommate and i walked from bar to bar meeting people knocking back a few drinks and generally having a great time. So stay tuned ill be putting up reviews and random musings from my new city, with what i feel will be more frequency than i ever was in Vegas.